Friday, December 31, 2010

after a long hiatus

I'm back! Back in the states, back to blogging. My apologies for the super long hiatus, but it was really difficult to take any outfit pictures while I was abroad. Logistics become alot more involved than grab my tripod and run to my backyard.

I can not believe 2010 is coming to a close- another year full of memories, joys, sorrows, disappointments, triumphs. It has definitely been a year of immense growth for me. My time abroad has allowed me to become a more confident young woman, more self assured and worldly. I've learned that although people and places come and go, I will always have myself. It's always been reinforced to me that a life is measured through the relationships you build, but I think even more importantly it is the relationship you build with yourself. Because regardless of whatever, you will always be you- so it's best to start accepting that and learning to let yourself be enough. You can't expect other people to embrace you, if you don't.


It's very strange to come back home and find that everything is pretty much the way I left it. The difference is me. So here I am back to my backyard. There are still leaves everywhere as you can tell. One thing I missed while I was in Barcelona was the autumn leaves. Barely any of the trees turn and the leaves that fall aren't crunchy. They're slippery! I almost wiped out multiple, multiple times. A note to shoemakers: why don't you put tread on all pairs of shoes?! It's a crime, really.



Surprisingly, it's a really beautiful day out. I was comfortable in just this sweater. A nice change from the freezing temperatures earlier this week and last. I don't have any huge plans for the New Year's and I'm ok with that. Sometimes eventful isn't always a good thing. It is really strange to be back in MD though. In Barcelona, there was always something going on- tonight I would have my choice between zillions of bars and clubs. Here at home- it's ok, well I can either go to this house party, go out to dinner or watch a movie at home? The pace is definitely slower. Oh and not to mention, I'm not legal in the states. What an awful wakeup call- I miss mojitos already.


Tank: J. Crew Sale ($12!)// Sweater: Banana Republic// Earrings: Mom's// Scarf: Christmas gift// Jeans: Gap// Socks: Spain// Shoes: Tunnelbana Heel via ModCloth// Nail polish: Revlon, Minted


Ok so New Year's resolutions, gotta do 'em.

1 Don't be such a people pleaser. It's ok to consider what I want to do occasionally.
2 Keep up with this blog!
3 Scrapbook Spain photos.
4 Make Dean's List
5 Write my grandmother more.
6 Swim and go to yoga class! on the reg!
7 Keep things in perspective.
8 Speak Spanish! Speak Spanish! Speak Spanish!

Happy New Year everyone! Any exciting plans? New Year's resolutions?
