Friday, June 22, 2012

friday remix

008b 029b

2011-2-24 007b

010b 011b

This dress is one of my favorites! And guess what? It's not really a secret, it's from Victoria's Secret. Sometimes they really have some gems. You should check it out!

Ahh look at all this beautiful brick. I miss my campus already. Yesterday was my one month graduation anniversary. Can you believe that? I definitely can't.

xo, A.


Kasia said...

Lovely and feminine dress :) very pretty delicate color

The Braided Bandit said...

I love all of these ways you styled it, but I think the heels and adorable socks in the first one are my favorite! Happy Friday to you!

Unknown said...

lovely :)

The Dragonfruit said...

Such a lovely dress! Looks like it's been serving you well too ;)

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Tereza {Drastic Plastic} said...

That is one beautiful dress, I love the combinations you created here.

You have a really cool blog here. Do you want to follow each other, I would love that.

Paulie Antiques said...

you are too cute!!! XOXOX

love, polly