Ohh Beyonce, you tell em girl. But actually, I wouldn't mind
having someone to buy me a ring haha isn't that awful?
I am lusting after quite a few lately!
Here's some of my favorites:

I think this is where my newfound love for rings started. I've noticed
knuckle rings are becoming popular, they look so elegant but I think
I'd get annoyed that I couldn't bend my finger!

Crystalised Ring, $23.99 ModCloth

I like how something so little can add so much! Sorry this post
has super skinny substance, but outfit post coming asap!
It's hump day- as in over the hump, Wednesday! 3 down, 2 to go.
Goodnight :]]
I adore the skeleton key ring! Any of these would be great purchases though.
These are all great. Have you seen the vivienne westwood one which is like finger armour?!
That key ring is so dainty and adorable.
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