I feel like a little kid on Christmas morning! My package just came in the mail from Annie of Time Enough For Drums & I couldn't be more happy with my purchases. Plus, they came wrapped in interesting newspaper and cute printed labels. I love creative wrappers- I'm the designated present wrapper at my house mostly because my dad and brother are awful at it haha. Anyway, I diverge, you should head over to her etsy shop, Timely Vintage, and check it out. The shoes and scarf in my outfit are from Annie.
I don't have too much to report today. I had Monday off because my boss wasn't in, so Tuesday seemed to drag on forever after the lovely 3-day weekend. I'm supposed to go grocery shopping tonight, boo. Sometimes I really enjoy doing it- everything has it's place in the store and afterwards, you get that feeling of accomplishment from crossing milk off your list! Is anyone with me on this one? But, tonight I'd rather laze around.
Please ignore the fact that my right foot (well technically my left foot) looks like it's swollen/bulging? I think it's because I was leaning over to take this picture. I didn't feel like messing around with the timer/tripod so I just bent to take this one. The shoes fit perfectly, don't let the photo deceive you :]
Vintage scarf & brown sandals: Timely Vintage
Top: Forever21
Skirt: Urban Outfitters
Ankle socks: J.Crew
Hey, you've made these shoes look amazing; better than I ever imagined! I'm glad they were too small on me and you get to wear them! Thanks so much for your kind words about the shop, too. Oh, and the wrapping paper: they're old pages from a 1972 issue of Life Magazine!
Love, A.
Beautiful place
Go see my blog and if you like not hesitate to become a member: D
It's nice to see a girl happy and pleased with hger online purchases. I adore the colour of your socks and footgear. And you amidst nature.
So picture-perfect, too
lovely outfit!! the blouse is very pretty!! and i just love how the sock just pop right out because of the bright color!!
Oh, and I forgot to mention that you'll receive 25% off your next order thanks to your lovely photos! Annie at timelyvintage.etsy.com
I'm in love with all of your outfits. Following your blog xx
This top is so pretty!
This is an absolutly adorable outfit. I stumbled upon your blog today and cant get enough!
Oh your brown sandals are great. I would love a pair like that. And yes, grocery shopping can be too fun! I like looking at all the different items and picking out my favorite brands. But I always go on an empty stomach so I get a bit greedy :P
Bea from A plus B
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