So, here I am writing this post because it's yet another way to procrastinate. Isn't it funny how you can think of one million other things to do rather than do the one that you need to? I'm a really effective, productive procrastinator though! If that makes any sense..
I apologize for the crappy-ness of this photo shoot location. This is the inside of my room in my host family's apartment. There are literally 43920432 beautiful places in Barcelona where I could take pictures but a) don't have my tripod b) even if I did, there's no way I could leave my tripod unattended for a second without having it stolen c) we're all so busy! Even if i find a photographer, it's hard to make time for it. But, I'm working on! Bear with me. :]
These shorts are a newly acquired purchase from H&M. H&M is SO big here, it's kind of strange- I'm not sure why it's so popular. But, the store where I bought these is 3 or 4 stories of just pure joy. I was so overwhelmed with beautiful stimuli- they have really elegant pieces like the higher end H&M kinds of things and some really cool trendy items like loose, boxy tops and knock out corset dresses. I bought two other things while on this shopping expedition, coming to a blog near you! But anyway, back to the shorts- I love, love these shorts. They're really different- a sort of silk like sheen, with girly details such as ruffling and overlaying panels of cloth and a little subtle bow in the front. I really love how lately designers have been vamping up shorts to carry over to night time or to a nice lunch date. Also, before I left the States, I bought a gorgeous pair of black wool and satin shorts from J.Crew, can't wait until it gets a bit colder and I can wear them!

Bow tee: ModCloth// Scarf: Urban Outfitters// Shorts: H&M// Tights: WeLoveColors.com// Boots: via Piperlime
So, this is what I wore today. Just an average day for me- class this morning at 9 AM (ALWAYS rough) and another at 3 45. It's such a drastic change for me living in a city, I'm a burbs girl. But, I love that I can walk to school in 10-20 minutes depending on how fast I'm booking it and that I can grab a metro literally 500 ft from my apartment and zoom around to another part of the city. Barcelona has a really excellent public transportation system, it's great. And way cleaner than the D.C. metro which is a plus!
Today was a bit nippy in the morning, but I love that crisp autumn breeze. It heated up towards mid-afternoon, had to take my scarf off and my legs were a bit hot, but now it's probably cooled down some again. I think we're in that transitional phase now. The mornings and evenings are cool, but the heat peaks in the middle of the day. Definitely missing the usual comforts and pleasures of fall on the east coast- the warm toned leaves, watching football over the weekends, drinking apple cider and carving pumpkins! But, I'm so happy and blessed to have this great experience here and I'm loving every second of it. Halloween has actually infiltrated its way to Spain and people dress up here I think. Have you guys started thinking about your costumes yet? Any amazing, mind-blowing ideas??
xx A.