So, I'm kind of in love with this girl, shhh don't tell her boyfriend. I don't quite remember how I stumbled upon Robyn's blog, but I was immediately drawn in by her sharp, sarcastic wit, relatable sense of style, and gorgeous curly hair! You know what they say, grass is always greener on the other side- this is coming from the girl who needs an entire can of hairspray to get curls to stay. Since then, I have enjoyed following her blog and life happenings and buying a couple things from her ebay shop along the way. The girl's got good taste.
I wish I lived closer to Florida, I think we would have a lot of fun. Sipping beers or some ridiculous fruity, girly drink and cracking jokes (legal in SIX months, might as well be an eternity). Is that weird to say? It's so strange online because you feel like you know people so well and yet have never met face-to-face. Do you guys well the same way? Anyway, I'm not sure how much of my personality comes through on the blog, but I have a very sarcastic sense of humor. A good friend of mine here was telling me how she has to get readjusted to me every time we come back to campus haha otherwise, she forgets and takes the jokes personally. I may be small, but do not be deceived.

Drumroll please! And here's our interview:
1. How did you get interested in blogging?
I was a blog lurker long before I started my own blog. I decided to start my own to promote my eBay shop, and to connect with the blogs I was already reading.
2. What is your thrift shopping plan of attack? I tend to get really overwhelmed in places like Goodwill.
I am a crazy tornado in thrift stores. I wish I had the patience to go through the racks piece by piece, but it's just not my style. Basically I go through each section way too fast, grabbing anything that catches my eye for any reason, and throw it in my cart. I don't bother to check condition, size, or price until I am done with the whole store and standing in front a of a mirror. I end up putting a lot back, but it's effective.
3. If you could steal anyone’s closet (present or past) whose would it be?
My great grandmother had a shoe collection that would make a grown woman cry. She believed that a woman needed a pair of shoes for every single outfit. My hero.

4. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? And now?
I've always been a math geek. I knew I wanted to work with numbers or money for a long time, and ended up going to college for Statistics and Mathematics. Now I want to sell vintage, blog, and someday start a family.
5. What do you do from 9-5?
I am a full time eBay vintage seller and blogger. The hours extend way past 9-5, but most fun jobs do.
6. If you could have any one talent that you do not already possess, what would it be?
I would love to be able to dance gracefully. My signature (drunken) dance move was once likened to "a baby bird stuck in a car." Now I don't know what that means, but I do know that it's probably not good.

7. If your house caught on fire, what would be the first thing you would grab?
I will say my Macbook, but I'd probably just make a run for it with nothing. My house is so full of flammable polyester that speed would be a priority.
8. What are your top 5 can’t live without pieces of clothing?
I'm a sucker for V neck T shirts, high waisted shorts, maxi skirts, trench coats, and the perfect jeans.

9. What is your proudest blogging achievement/moment?
There was a tiny photo of me in the January 2011 issue of Glamour Magazine. It was nice to have something tangible to show my friends who don't read blogs.
10. What is your best piece of advice to bloggers?
Less is more. If you are writing about something that you are truly passionate about, then go ahead and write an essay on your blog. If you are writing about your outfit, then more than a paragraph is really unnecessary.
11. Where do you hope to be in 5 years (physically, professionally, mentally, whatever-ly)?
Professionally: I'd actually love to still be selling vintage online, and blogging. I'm done with school, and I love my job. I see plenty of from for growth and improvement, but I really have no major overhauls in place.
Physically: Let's pretend I'm going to take up jogging.
Personally: I love my boyfriend. Fingers crossed he's still around.

Thanks so much Robyn! Hope you all enjoyed this as much as I did.
PS. Sorry in advance for any M.I.A-ness, it's finals time aka I'm barely staying afloat in a seemingly endless ocean of paper and flashcards.