I popped by the mall today to get some last minute things- a) more underwear, you can really never have to much of it! b)a gift for the family I'm staying with, William Sonoma- I LOVE that place, it always makes me want to own a home. and c) vacuum bags, so that I can fit all of my purchases (after I raid Europe) in my suitcase back home! :]
So, I'm trying to soak up my last hours in the grand old United States of America- the land of summer BBQ's, Thanksgiving, sweet tea, the Blue Ridge Mountains, Lady Liberty & home. Last night in my bed with that amazing home smell- a mixture of comfort and familiarity. I'm going to give my puppy an extra scratch behind the ear and my dad and brother (if he'll tolerate it) an extra hug. And then I'm off on my grand adventure! I really am so excited. It's just a little daunting thinking of 4 months across seas.

Anywho, when I was wandering around the mall, I noticed that alot of stores chose to go with a Parisian themed fall campaign (inc. H&M, Forever21, Gap) which I thought was kind of interesting. I know that Paris is always on the forefront of fashion and as Americans, we idealize the romance of that city and the fashion of its people. But, I just think it's interesting that there's sort of this new wave of interest.

Gossip Girl goes to Paris! I resisted this show for so long because it was one of those trendy things that I put on my mental list of I-won't-go-there kind of things. This list also includes leggings, Uggs, big sunglasses, and Silly Bandz! But, the show is totally a guilty pleasure- I mean who lives a life like theirs? Yeah, let's just pick up everything and go to Europe! No big. Plus, of course- the clothes, the clothes, the clothes.

I'll take one of those please. :)
Top: ModCloth, Oui Love Paris Crop Top & Necklace: Etsy, Spring in Paris, Gold Eiffel Tower Necklace (unfortunately sold out :[ but she has other beautiful jewelry you might be interested in!)

All photos via weloveit.com unless otherwise mentioned.
Wow, definitely have a crucial girl crush. I love this editorial, the styling is so perfect- I would love to wear either of these outfits. I think that's partially why I like it- alot of editorial shoots are so inaccessible to your average person, but these look like you could wear them just the way they are. Plus, this girl is gorgeous and the location of course.
So, official countdown: 24 hours exactly until I'll be in Heathrow for my layover, about 28 hours until I'll be in Barcelona! eeeeeek.
Wish me luck! With Love,