I have the cutest roommate ever. We were paired together freshman year, can you believe that? And we're still living together four years later. I really lucked out. We're kind of an epic roommate success story, no big deal. Susan has a really fun, quirky sense of style. She's always pairing bright colors together and accessorizing with as many squirrel related items as possible (I bought her squirrel socks & a squirrel tee for her birthday). Isn't she the best?

These are from our Senior Banquet which was 'cocktail' attire. It was a good time- overly sentimental speeches, free wine (and wine glass!), and a little DP (dance party) action.
S. is wearing:
Dress (worn as top), Old Navy
Skirt, Loft
Heels, Nine West
Necklaces, trip to Japan
A. is wearing:
Dress, BB Dakota
Necklace, vintage
Heels, Nine West